Say iT BesT DOMAiN and EXTENSiON your wHaTeVer hoWeVeR you like!, Start a Peoples Assembly while you are at it, Free Souls Freeing ALL
!, ReaL LiViNg WORD, based upon, UNDER the SUNS, what are the obvious
, The Sanctity of UNsubjugated Order! CALM RESOLUTE NATURAL ORGANiC, DAY RACE, you in control of your COMMAND module,
t L i N g, rattling, UNDER The SUNS
!, Freeing ALL,
Say iT BesT DOMAiN and EXTENSiON your wHaTeVer hoWeVeR you like
Start and Easily Maintain a Peoples Assembly
Tell us something we ought to know!
Failed iMpOsteRiNg illiterate dead sKiT grazed raised, goUvernEment,. REDD OUT!
just saying..
No Offense - < o o > - wHaT?
CON - ST - I - t-u - ti-on - hummmm? - ok,. is-LAM-i-C
i mean,. jEez-Us?
is RA aiNT LiT.. toO busy devilish deed doing
slaughtering behind abbreviations, payoff deceit
cabalist ass-ED, mother bagged, slaughtered wizard
trafficker doctorettes PAID iMpOSteRiNgs
sHoRt cUTtiNg cIRcUiTEd core rateless
rape tragedy of others,. on end
MAMiNG of the galaxy, now reside
spent ALL this time to here.. for what are a right vessel
could you manage to not in-breed rape it
why be,. queer?
No thanks
Nothing UNDER The SUNS.. like an inbred line
wasting the DAY RACE,. AND..
while galaxy UNDER THE SUNS reside.
The obviously unable
f@Cr diCriNg
Check out GULAG failed system jobbed hobbyist
Good thing whatever it is..
that sets such a system to flourishing..
it ARE you toO..
who must now make the CHOiCE
REAL time space intellect,
a literacy that allows for UNsubjugated understanding
Free Souls Freeing aLL!
UNiVERSE WiNS.. every time around.